Well + Good With Alicia Silverstone And LOVE GOODLY

Justine Lassoff

Posted on April 18 2016

Well + Good With Alicia Silverstone And LOVE GOODLY
Alicia Silverstone
Actress, author of The Kind Diet and The Kind Mamablogger and curator of Love Goodly‘s April/May vegan beauty box benefiting Farm Sanctuary talks to Well + Good about her morning routine.

 "For everyday, I don’t need makeup to feel fresh—thanks to the best beauty trick of all: eating plants! On top of my Kind Diet foundation, there are a couple products I enjoy using. I love a face serum, particularly the Deep Hydrating Serum by Josh Rosebrook and the Balancing Serum by Qet Botanicals. For my hair, Kooshoo’s organic hair ties are my go-to, and if I’m in need of mascara, I’ll go with Zao Volumizing Mascara. Both of these are part of my Love Goodly box benefiting Farm Sanctuary."


To read more about Alicia's routine, check out her feature here!

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